Gracie Sharp

Gracie Sharp



This year I have enjoyed investigating a range of subjects and processes. I will be seeking employment next year.

1. Trash Wall

Brief: Material Dialogues
Aim: To develop dialogues between drawing and sculpture, i.e., to produce a piece of flat sculpture.
Solution: A wall hanging inspired by El Anatsui’s work with bottle caps. This is a decorative piece made from scratched and flattened cans, attached with string and wire.

2. Can you see me?

Brief: Authenticity
Aim: To develop a digital artwork for the exhibition: Is there a digital sublime?
Solution: A series of photographs inspired by spiritual photography from the 1900s in the layout of a photo album. These images were taken in a local graveyard by the school I attended as a child – half of them including photos of my younger self as a ghost like entity to represent the past.

3. Digitalis Creatures

Brief: The Unique Print
Aim: To develop a unique print from a limited range of techniques. Print as a drawing
Solution: A series of three digitally manipulated images of the foxglove flower taken from The Observer’s Book of Wild Flowers – inspired by the name of the species ‘digitalis’. These three prints can also be interpreted as animals.